When and how do I apply for a place at Conyers School?
Entry at Age 11 to Year 7
The Conyers School Prospectus is available on our website and is distributed to local primary schools during the second week of September each year. The prospectus contains a letter inviting parents of primary school children in Year 5 and 6 to attend the schoolâs Open Evening held on the last Tuesday in September each year from 6.00 â 8.00 p.m. These details including the letter are also available on the schoolâs website.
If you do not receive a copy of the school prospectus from your childâs primary school and would like one, then please contact Conyers School either by email to or ring the school on Tel 01642 783253.
The governors of Conyers School have responsibility for admissions to Conyers School and offers 224 places (admission number) at age 11 for Year 7 in September. To apply for a place at Conyers School, an applicant must complete the Common Application Form (CAF) supplied by their home address local authority. If they reside within Stockton-on-Tees, then the form is available online at:
The completed form is then sent directly to the home address local authority. If resident within Stockton-on-Tees then it should be sent to the School Admissions Team (Tel No 01642 526605), Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 1XE or emailed to It is very important that the form is returned by the closing date, 31 October, forms received after this date will be treated as âlateâ. Late applications are not dealt with until all those received on time have been through the application process.
For further details on admissions contact Miss K Noott, School Systems Manager, at the school on Tel No 01642 783253 or follow the link to
Children with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) 0-25 that names Conyers School will be admitted to the school.
Oversubscription Criteria
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places, the following priorities will apply: The Admission Policy will give priority to applications for admission to Conyers School if it is oversubscribed, in the following order:
- Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).
- Pupils with a special educational need (SEN) who are going through a statutory assessment and who have been identified as needing a ‘named’ mainstream school.
- Pupils who have a brother or sister permanently living at the same address, who are still at the school when the pupil begins. This criteria only applies to siblings who are of compulsory school age, not younger siblings who attend a nursery setting attached to a school (primary applications only).
- Pupils permanently resident (the address at which the child is registered for child benefit), who expresses a preference for that school (proof of address may be required) within the admission zone who have returned a Common Application Form by the closing date (31 October for secondary applications and 15 January for primary applications).
- Pupils who live closest to a particular school measured in a straight line “as the crow flies”.
In the event of oversubscription in any category, admission will be on the basis of closest proximity to the school. This would be measured in a straight-line distance from the front door of the childâs home to Conyers Schoolâs front gates, using the local authorityâs computerised measuring system.
In the event of a tie between two or more students when applying criterion then the distance criteria will be applied.
The student and /or parents of students who are not offered a place, have the right to appeal against non-admission.
False Information
Where the school has made an offer of a place on the basis of a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application which has effectively denied a place in the school to a student with a higher level of priority, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.
Please note:
- A CYPIOC (Children and Young People who are in Our Care and was previously known as LAC) is a child who is (i) in the care of the Local Authority or (ii) being provided accommodation by the Local Authority in the exercise of their social services functions or (iii) having ceased being âlooked afterâ because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order.
- âLiveâ means the childâs permanent home at the date when applications close or, if a significant house move is involved, the latest reasonable date before the final allocation of places. Distance is measured in a straight line from a childâs home address to the School. Measurements are calculated using seven-figure grid references for each address taken from Ordnance Survey ADDRESS-POINTÂź data. This grid reference relates to a point that falls within the permanent building structure corresponding to the address. The boundary of the building structure for the address is derived from Ordnance Survey Land-Line data. For smaller, residential properties the grid reference denotes a point near the centre of the building. For larger properties, like schools with, for example, multiple buildings and large grounds, the grid reference relates to a point inside the main addressable building structure. The distance calculated is accurate to within 1 metre.
Notification of Offer of Place
The formal offer of a place will come from the Local Authority which will write to parents/carers on 1 March, if this date is on weekend then it will be the closest working day to this date, allocating a single secondary school to a child or parents will be informed by email if they applied for a place online.
Waiting List / Appeals
The Governing Body will use the oversubscription criteria above to rank unsuccessful applicants in a waiting list so that further places may be offered by the Local Authority if they become available. The waiting list will close on the final day of the school year.
Unsuccessful applicants may also contact Stocktonâs Admission Department to be advised of their right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel.