In this Section

Sensory and Physical Needs

Conyers School offer for Sensory and Physical Needs:

Hearing impairment

Use of hearing and radio aids in all lessons

Sustain consistent environment

Training and demonstration in the use of specialist equipment to support access to learning

Arrangements in place for regular [daily where required] monitoring and checking of specialist equipment eg hearing aids and radio aids by setting staff

Deaf awareness training for all staff and bespoke training in meeting the needs of child/ young person

Assessment, advice and recommendations from specialist teachers

Differentiated learning opportunities and reasonable adjustments are made to create a good acoustic environment and ensure access

Appropriate differentiation for assessment and examination materials and recording of answers with advice given to child/ young person

Classroom management strategies

Equal access to curriculum, premise, information and assessment

Appropriate seating arrangements

Specialist language assessments

Monitoring of social and emotional wellbeing and inclusion

Opportunities to champion the voice of the child/ young person

Advice on referral to speech and language therapy

Programme to develop social interaction and emotional wellbeing with support

Advice and assessment of the use of specialist or adapted ICT to access the curriculum

Visual impairment

Training in the use of specialist equipment to support access to learning and bespoke training in meeting the needs of child/ young person

Resources in place to support this inclusive learning eg enlarged print, tactile models, activity cues, seating arrangements

Ensure that child/ young person uses glasses to correct vision if required

Understanding the impact of eye conditions on learning and the identified needs

Appropriate differentiation for assessment and examination materials and recording of answers

Breaks as appropriate

Programme to develop social interaction and emotional wellbeing with support

Advice and assessment of the use of specialist or adapted ICT to access the curriculum

Physical Needs

Training and demonstration in the use of specialist equipment to support access to learning, including moving and handling

Training advice from specialist services eg Occupational Therapy [OT], Physiotherapist, School Nurse

Adaptive and reasonable adjustments to the environment eg hoist and medical/ care plan

Therapy programmes eg Occupational Therapy [OT], Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapy [SaLT]

Flexible groupings

Routine feedback to students

Environmental consideration made to meet the needs of the child/ young person

An understanding that the physical disability/ medical need may have a wider impact on a child/ young person’s social and emotional wellbeing despite the apparent lack of obvious impairment

A range of alternative/ modified equipment and teaching materials available eg pencil grips, portable writing aid, ICT, spring loaded scissors

Rest breaks/ movement breaks and time to leave the classroom

Appropriate differentiation of tasks and teaching styles

SEAL materials and interventions

Provision of an inclusive PE curriculum, including arrangements for Sports Day where appropriate

Provision of an inclusive curriculum in all subject areas

Opportunities for additional experience to develop fine, gross motor skills and visual perception

Access to Key Worker if necessary

Support to manage medical condition

Access arrangements for assessments and examinations eg ICT, scribe, rest breaks

Awareness of social and emotional aspects of disability

Individual interventions

Programme to develop social interaction and emotional wellbeing with support

Advice and assessment of the use of specialist or adapted ICT to access the curriculum

School life may need to be modified to balance medical/ educational needs

Movement breaks to support sensory needs